Kermit Highfield in Louisville KY Shows Concern About Juices

Louisville KY – Fruit juices, be it in fresh or processed form, are a popular choice among American population. A glass of juice with morning toast begins a normal day for a significant population of the United States. Kermit Highfield recently delivered an informative session fruit juice as a component of diet.

Why are juices liked?

Consumers, especially children, prefer fruit juice for their sweet and diverse flavors. Many consumers include juice in their diet under the impression that fruits are healthy, therefore, fruit juices are too. The juice is considered a suitable option for a cleanse diet. It is a popular belief that consumption of fruit juice aids in easy absorption of minerals and other nutrients which results from the absence of pulp and fibers.


Fruit juices are high in sugar. Even though these sugars are natural, they can be equally harmful if taken in a concentrated form. The nutrition from juice is not equivalent to that of fruit.  Some of the vitamins remain behind during the process of juicing. Also, eating fruit adds fiber which is essential for the body to detox itself and for regulating blood cholesterol. The same cannot be said about juice which spikes the blood sugar. Additionally, many antioxidants are also eliminated with the removal of fiber during the process which subtracts form the nutritional value. The processed juices also contain some preservatives and additives some of which could be unhealthy.


There is no doubt regarding the benefits of fruit juice. However, Kermit Highfield Louisville KY believes that consumption of fruit should be given a preference over juice as it is a healthier option.

Published by kermithighfield

Kermit Highfield in Louisville KY has ample experience in the food industry and private label business, having served as International Ingredients Sourcing Manager for Papa Johns Pizza and later founding his own company importing and repackaging olive oil for private label distribution in the United States.

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